Realiti kehidupan beragama (1)

Sambil selam, minum air..
Ketika sedang mempelajari bahasa-bahasa asing, satu chat request singgah di skrin laptop.

Penulis menerima permintaan itu.

Setelah bertanya beberapa soalan, kami bertukar alamat emel.
Orang Itali itu memberitahu namanya 'Noemi'. Seorang perempuan dan sangat ramah sekali.

Hari berikutnya, Noemi berada dalam talian.
Dia yang mula-mula menyapa penulis.

Orang Itali : Hi, How are you?
Penulis : I'm fine, about you?
Orang Itali : I'm fine too^^

Mengingatkan sepotong perkataan,
بَلِّغُوا عَنِّى وَلَو الَآيَة
"Sampaikan dariku walau sepotong ayat."

Penulis terpanggil untuk berbicara tentang Islam kepadanya.

Penulis : Can I ask you something?
Orang Itali : sure

Perlu diingat bahawa mana-mana orang asing kadang-kala sangat sensitif apabila di tanya tentang agama yang di anutinya. Ada yang melenting terus.
Kali ini, penulis mencuba cara lain pula.

Penulis : I'm now doing my course work about the religion around the world. I must to find it through simple way, can i just ask you?
Orang Itali: ok, but I'm atheist..I don't know if I can help you.

Aduh! Ahteis la pulak dah...
Kalau kristian ataupun Buddha, boleh perbetul sikit-sikit sebab depa dah percaya dengan tuhan. Atheis??

Penulis: What is the majority of your country? It is all athiest?
Orang Itali: catholic
Penulis: oh...why you don't choose a religion to practice in your life?
Orang Itali: I was catholic too, but then I found out that the spiritually is something personal that cannot have links with religions neither with other people or with gods of ancient people

Baru penulis tahu bahawa agama Katholik tak boleh ada hubungan dengan ahli ibadat agama lain. Entah betul ke tidak apa yang dia cakap ni...

Agama Katolik adalah fahaman lama dan di anggap tidak relevan oleh saintis barat sendiri

Penulis : oh? cruel in about others religion?
Orang Itali: well there are a lot of Islam, a few of buddism
Penulis : then, why you didn't choose it?
Orang Itali: well I don't like islam... I like buddism, but it's not a religion it's mostly a philosophy, and I said that I think that it's impossible believing in a god created by other people, god doesn't exist, the only think that exist is the love and the passion that link us, but it's something personal that everybody feels in a different way

Sangsi cara pemikiran orang ni. Kata suka buddha tapi kata tak logik pulak. Heran..

Penulis : owh..for sure that god cannot be created by people..can you give me reasons why you don't like islam?
Orang Itali: according to me as said feuherbach god is just a projection of man. wait,are you islam?

Alamak! dia dah tanya penulis agama apa. Kalau cakap Islam, mesti dia dah pangkah siap-siap apa yang kita nak cakap. Macam mana ni?
Mengingatkan bahawa Islam tidak membenarkan penipuan, makan berterus terang penulis menyatakan keislaman kepada nya. Jujur.

Penulis : yes..i'm muslim. i thinked that it is impossible that something exist alreadily and, can you say that there is no God?
Orang Itali: listen to me. how old are you?
Penulis: i'm 17 years about you?
Orang Itali: 19...
Penulis: ok...i'm still listen what are you say

Perbualan menerusi yahoo messenger semakin hangat!

Orang Itali: I think that is not correct that your parents sends you on internet speaking about islam to make people convert, if you believe in allah I'm glad for you, but let people in peace because there are million of girls like you ever more young that always speak to people to make them convert, but everyone knows the shit by Islam even you can say that it's good and right for me is just shit shit shit.i'm tired of people like you

Oh..,.pecah tembelang...!
Rupanya dah ramai orang cuba dakwah melalui internet nih....
Maka, penulis cuba cover balik..

Penulis : i said, I'm only find out information about religion around the world
Orang Itali: I'm free to choose
Penulis: are free.i'm not ask you to convert, right?
Orang Itali: sure that I'm free
Penulis : i'm just want to hear your's ok!
Orang Itali: no you're trying to make me believe that islam is good and right

Alahai...kerasnya kepala dia..!

Penulis : I'm just ask, then you make your own conclusion
Orang Itali: I tell you something
Penulis: it's up to you

 ALLAH yang maha agung menjadikan segalanya

Dia cuba menanya penulis semula kerana sudah terkantoi pada awal-awal tadi yang sudah bersangka buruk.

Orang Itali: why are you islam? because your parents were islam or because you wanted to be it.answer
Penulis: no.i had a strong reason.did you want to hear mine?
Orang Itali: i don't believe that your parents let you free to decide

Oleh kerana orang ni duk tuduh macam tu, penulis nak terang sikit kat dia pasal konsep kita hidup di dunia.

Penulis: as we know that the life is not everlasting
Orang Itali: don't lie to your self

Baru nak start dah kena potong...huh...tulah duk fikir vocab english lama sangat..hehe

Penulis: no..i'm not lying
Orang Itali: you don't want to be islam.I know

Suka hati dia pulak kata tau....maka penulis menegaskan dengan lantang (hehe..guna huruf besar ja pun)

Penulis : no..I WANNA BE A MUSLIM
Orang Itali: you'd like to be free.yes.nonno.I don't believe.
Penulis : nature, all of the people is need to God
Orang Itali: you'd like to be as italian girls, free to decide

Fuh, perasannya..! Sapa pulak nak jadi macam orang Itali kafir tu? Nauzubillah.

Penulis: no..i'm also free to decide
Orang Itali: no your parents told you a lot of shits,'re not free because
Penulis: i ask you again, did you want to know why i am choosing islam?
Orang Itali: if you decide not to be islam you're parents kill you
Penulis: no!
Orang Itali: yes
Penulis: Islam is not cruel!
Orang Itali: don't lie to your self.well.i just give you an advice

Berkali-kali dia menduga penulis. Dan dia kata bagi nasihat. Hampeh!

Penulis: i'm honest myself
Orang Itali: just feel free to live WITHOUT GOD.
Penulis: i'm feel free

Noemi mula terbakar bila penulis kata, rasa bebas walaupun hidup dalam percayakan tuhan, agaknya.

Penulis : GOD is everything

Melihat ketegangan, penulis mengubah cara lain. Dah tak boleh nak cakap macam tu nih...Api tak boleh lawan dengan api jugak. Sudah banyak kali dia ulang dan menafikan keesaan ALLAH.
Menanya satu soalan untuk membawa pemikiran dia tentang fitrah bertuhan dalam diri manusia.

Penulis: okay...when ever you face to problem who you want to ask a help?
Orang Itali: to myself or my boyfriend is the only way to face problems
Penulis: about when the big disaster such as earth quake, to whom you wanna ask it ?
Orang Itali: well it's don't talk abaut it, because I can ask you, who's the causer of this earthquake...if you believe in god, the aser id god
Penulis: yes..the reason of why god create that with a big wisdom from it
Orang Itali: shit
Penulis : look for the tsunami that undergoes at Acheh, Indonesia last years of 2004.the hostility between 2 group for the long time was lost in twinkling of an eye after tsunami..i'm sorry for all of mine's up to you..and i'm not munawar to you to choose islam as your religion...
Orang Itali has signed out. (17/03/2010 6:37)

Akhirnya dia kehilangan hujah. Maka, dia terus menutup akaun hotmailnya. Mungkin selepas ini penulis tidak lagi dapat berchatting dengannya sebab dah menimbulkan isu sensitif! Hahaha..

Kena cari pendekatan lain pulak la...

2 ulasan:

  1. hak3!!bestnya!rasa mcm nk join ja chat tuhh!!

  2. Haha..tu lah....tpi berpeluh2 otak pikir nak tulis apa...dah la kut bahasa Inggeris...hehe^^


Pesanan daripada anda dialu-alukan. Semoga Allah memberkati anda!